Conference Fee

1000 PLN (equiv. 240 Eur), or 800 PLN (equiv. 190 Eur) for students, to be paid via bank transfer before June 30, 2017

1200 PLN (equiv. 285 Eur), or 1000 PLN (equiv. 240 Eur) for students, to be paid via bank transfer after June 30, 2017

The conference fee is also payable upon arrival at a bank in Krakow.

This fee covers organizational expenses, courses and workshop lectures, course materials, refreshment, conference party and a trip.

Please enter "Your Name" and "Global Analysis" in the message for recipient of the bank transfer payment.

 International bank transfers:  
 Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Jagiellonian University in Krakow
 Bank:  PEKAO S.A. Oddział w Krakowie
 IBAN:  PL61 1240 4722 1111 00004860 4116